Zoom out on the internet to zoom in on where else your business can play and thrive.


Anti Social Growth Audit

Social media was fun and powerful. It fuelled new friendships and fast brand growth. But now growth is stagnant. You’re bored of chasing trends. Acquisition costs keep rising.

There must be another way.

The Anti Social Growth Audit zooms  out on all the possible ways to grow your business online before zooming in on the best opportunities for you. 

When you’re in the weeds of the day-to-day, it’s tough to take a step back and see the bigger picture. Together, we’ll redefine what successful growth looks like for you today. We’ll look beyond social media and uncover where and how else you can grow your business online.

So how does it work?

This audit has been years in the making; honed throughout my experience of growing brands like Lime, Pamono, and Weleda online and auditing dozens of businesses’ digital marketing ecosystems.

We’ll think big, get excited, and get clear on how you can grow and thrive away from social media. This is how we do it:

  • We start with an exploratory workshop that dives into your fundamental reasons for wanting to a) grow online and b) grow in different ways online today.

    Armed with this solid understanding of you, your business, and your goals, I'm ready to go back to my desk and conduct the audit.

  • A thorough audit and analysis your digital ecosystem. Which channels are you using and how are they performing? What are you talking about and how does it land with your community and help you reach your goals? This is split into three parts:

    1. WHO ARE YOUR AUDIENCE, REALLY? Discover where they are and what they’re telling you about growth opportunities that you might have missed.

    2. WHAT ARE YOUR DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM OPPORTUNITIES? What's working, what's not worth your time, and which digital spaces could enable growth away from social media?

    3. WHAT ARE YOUR CONTENT OPPORTUNITIES? What are you saying in your digital spaces, which topics should you be owning, which conversations should you be a part of?

  • Time to turn these findings into action. You'll get:

    • Prioritised recommendations based on your goals and the findings of the audit.

    • Related thought starters for content, campaigns, and collaborations with a focus on digital channels away from social media.

    • PLUS: Your New Growth Ecosystem Map: Understand the hero channels in your digital ecosystem and how they work together to drive growth.

After working together you will:

Regain clarity on what success means to you today

On what successful growth means to your business today and how you can make it happen without relying on social media algos.

Have a holistic analysis of paid and organic channels

My expertise in paid and organic channels allows me to see exactly where and how it is beneficial for you to include paid channels in your marketing mix.

Understand your growth opportunities away from social media

You’ll walk away with a deep understanding of where the growth opportunities specific to your business lie today with a focus on non-social media channels.

Have a clear growth plan

All the findings from the audit will be written into a recommendations plan so that you can turn ideas into reality.

Know which social media spaces are worth your time (and which aren’t)

You’ll know the specific value each social media channel brings (or not) to your business and where and how you can invest resource elsewhere.

Feel excited about growing on the internet again

Remember when the internet was fun?! Having gained an expert, external perspective on what’s working well and where your growth opportunities lie away from social channels you’ll be feeling ready to goooo get it.

  • Matilda was a great help in our planning for London when we first launched Lime there as well as in managing campaigns afterwards. She's reliable, organised and, most of all, creative. An easy person to brainstorm with and a welcome addition to any team.


  • Collaborating with Matilda has been an absolute game-changer for Morgan's online presence. Matilda optimized our website's performance, implemented SEO strategies, and set up Google Analytics reports that have become our compass for success. Her insights have given us a profound understanding of our audience, turning data into actionable strategies. If you're looking to elevate your online game, Matilda is the expert you want on your team


  • Matilda has been invaluable in the help she has given us at Trail. When she started working with us we had a very manual sales-led approach and were struggling to get inbound leads. Matilda was able to assess our needs, put together a strategy for our paid and organic channels, then help us execute it. We had previously worked with other agencies and freelancers and had struggled to get results. I would highly recommend her, she is also a pleasure to work with!


  • Matilda is one of those marketing people who can blend keeping things simple with a strategic and creative mindset. She's been an asset to The Lowdown team and has helped us set up and grow paid channels, as well as consulting on SEO and digital conversion strategy.


Who is this audit for?

This audit is for businesses that have seen great results from social channels but are now feeling stagnant and icky about building for the long term the usual suspect apps.

You are open to interrogating what successful growth means to you today.

You are not interested in vanity growth metrics.

You know that growth is a long-term investment but want to identify and integrate the short-term wins with the long-term, sustainable growth plan.

Your team have the capacity to implement the findings of the audit and take the action required to see the results.

You have a product-based business model (whether physical products, an app, or service packages).


I’m Matilda Lucy, a digital marketing consultant challenging our collective obsession with growth and the way we chase it online.

With over 10 years of experience in organic and paid marketing for consumer brands like Pamono, Lime, Weleda, and The Lowdown, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how we use the internet—and how it uses us.

Now, I use my expertise to help brands like yours redefine what success looks like to you and achieve it through long-term, sustainable growth that doesn’t rely on Mark or Elon’s algos. I ask questions, spot patterns, and join the dots to help you see alternative digital paths.

My role as an external partner is to zoom out on your market, digital ecosystem, and ideal customer in order to zoom in with laser focus on the digital activities that will enable you to grow in ways that feel great. 

Anti Social Growth Audit

Anti Social Growth Audit

01 Get clear on what successful growth means to you today. ✔️

02 Discover your growth opportunities away from social media. ✔️

03 Understand which paid and organic digital channels best serve your specific business and how to use them. ✔️

04 Reveal the conversations and content topics that are yours to lead in these spaces. ✔️

Timeline: 1 month

Price (October onwards): 2950 GBP incl VAT

September Beta Price: 1550 GBP incl VAT

Booking process:

  1. Intro call to hear more about your business, tell you more about the audit, and see if we’re a good fit!

  2. Contract + invoice sent.

  3. We book our kick-off workshop!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Of course! I’m not here to tell you to ditch social media if it's working for you. I’m here to help you balance your efforts and highlight the opportunities for you to grow elsewhere you might currently be missing.

  • Absolutely. The audit comes with a clear, prioritised plan of recommendations to implement the findings.

  • Yes. There is a 30 min check-in call included in the initial audit cost to be scheduled up to 6 months after we have worked together. This gives you the opportunity to ask any follow up questions. I also offer ongoing follow-up support which usually looks like monthly consultations to maintain momentum and accountability.

  • Yes. I will cover every digital marketing touchpoint you currently use as well as basing recommendations on paid and organic channels. I have 10+ years experience planning and executing marketing campaigns across paid and social channels.

    1. Book a discovery call.

    2. On the call: I talk you through the audit in more detail and get to know you and your business a little more.

    3. If we're a good fit, we find a date that works for us both and get started!

Ready to expand your digital universe? Let’s go :) Book a free discovery call today.